September 2018 Movie Reviews
Searching 4 1/2 stars I was very impressed with Searching. Obviously some people might think the laptop screen format of the movie is a gimmick but I thought it was believable and used effectively. Much like the found footage style, this format has been used before, but not to this degree of detail and forethought. The movie does a wonderful job of building suspense, showing the viewer only what they need to know. There are a lot of twist and turns, including one that gave me goosebumps. John Cho is superb and I highly recommend you check out this low-key gem. The Predator 3 stars The Predator was... something? I actually had a good time with most the film and the band of down on your luck military veterans were very funny and had some great dialogue. But the movie takes a drastic turn where it goes from grounded sci-fi action into sort of a ridiculous B-movie. The predator franchise isn't known for it's strict realism, but the film sheds any logic in the second ...