October 2018 Movie Reviews
Venom 3 stars Venom is... silly? So to start off, this movie had the deck stacked against it from the beginning. Now that Spider-man is part of the MCU, Sony has the task of creating one of Spider-man's most popular villains, without Spider-man. Also Sony is trying to use this movie to springboard a series of films based on Spider-man villains and side-characters, without Spider-man. And not too mention that Sony has already screwed this character up once in the much maligned Spider-man 3. So considering all of that... the movie is fine? Tom Hardy and Director Ruben Fleischer make some "interesting choices" with the depiction of the character. I never really bought Tom Hardy as a hard-hitting investigative journalist, but Hardy is completely invested in the film and has some really funny moments with the symbiote. And I thought in general, the symbiotes looked really good with intricate textures and movements. However, instead of the getting a psychological thriller a...