
Showing posts from March, 2009

Book Review: The Unlikely Disciple

Since I work at Barnes and Noble, I am always kept up to date with the hip new books. One particular book that stuck out to me that we were pushing was called The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose. It's a young man's account of his semester at the conservative Christian Liberty University after transferring from Brown University. I thought it might be cool to get an outsider's perspective of Christianity and Christian Culture. The premise started out good, liberal Brown student wants a change of pace and decides to enroll at Rev. Jerry Fallwell's "Bible Bootcamp" which is Liberty University. If like me, you weren't sure who the late Jerry Fallwell is, he is an uber conservative and controversial pastor who is frequently quoted on condemning homosexuals, but probably most famously declaring the teletubby Tinky-Winky of being a gay role model. Anyway, the book goes through Kevin's "journey" into exploring christian culture, which he had obvious

Summer Plans 09

I have my summer worked out and I'm excited about it. First I am going to Anderson Ranch in Snowmass Village, Colorado to attend a ceramics workshop where I'll hopefully make some sweet artwork and meet some cool people. After a week and a half or intense ceramification, I'll be heading out to Naples, Maine. Yes Maine, as far from southern California as possible within the continental US, the state of Maine. I imagine Maine to be only inhabited by Swordfish Fishermen and Yeti monsters but it's possible this may not be the case. Anyway I will be working at Takajo Summer Camp as the counselor in charge of Ceramics. This should be alot of fun, it's an all boys camp by a lake in flippin Maine. Apparently this will be like all the summer camp movies, complete with dances at a neighboring girls camp. A crazy unreal world I can't yet imagine. I plan to focus on creating more ceramic work and to expand my teaching skills at camp. I'm sure it will be fun too.

In Between: A process

I wanted to show a part of the the process that went into creating my "In Between" piece and what I was thinking when I was creating this piece. "In Between" started out as a drawing I did in my sketchbook when I was studying abroad in Australia. I really liked this drawing, it was expressing some of my homesickness and this feeling of always being pushed forward without ever being able to look back. A lot happened to me and my family between 11th grade in high school and my sophomore year in college and I felt like I never had a chance just to stay still, to hold onto something, to stay secure. I took this idea of never being able to go back and carried it out in creating this piece, "In Between." I like the idea of a brick wall, something solid that you can't go through. Also bricks fascinate me and I like to incorporate them in my ceramic pieces. I created this brick wall with an image etched into it. I wanted to express how part of me was still in

Emeriti Class

Hi Everyone, Here are some pics of work created in the Introduction to Ceramics through the Emeriti college at USC. All of my students were a lot of fun and made some great work. My Class and Their work.

Some of my art

Some of my ceramic pieces

The Beginning

The Beginning: A Haiku In this page you find An open hearted story Artwork made of life That's not very good, but I'm not a poet. This is my blog, I am attempting to update it weekly with artwork and stories. Hopefully you will find my art and my life amusing, if not I'm only slightly offended. I'm very self-concious about what I'm writing even though probably very few people will read these words, and probably they will know me and know what a goof I am. Goof, that isn't a word that I've heard or used for a long time. Good luck world out there.