Favorite Horror Movies
My Favorites of the Horror Genre I´m not the biggest fan of the horror genre at times. For one reason, I´m a wimp when it comes to scary movies. I much rather laugh then cry. However I do enjoy a good scare once in a while, especially when it is combined with some laughs as well (zombie movies!). Anywell here´s a list of my faves from this spooky genre. Best Horror Franchise: Final Destination The Final Destination movies are too much fun for me. I don´t care that the acting is sub-par and the plot hasn´t changed since the first one, the movies are suspenseful and explore creative ways how someone can die. I love waiting for the Rue Goldberg´s deathtrap to spring on the young victim. Never taking themselves too seriously and usually not going over the top with gore (boo saw), these are my kind of fun scare. Scary Zombie Movie: 28 days later 28 Days later is a serious zombie movie that explores issues of humanity after the zombie virus apocolypse. At the climax, when the ...