Tree Guardian

This is my new Tree Guardian, he is replacing my old tree guardian that I never liked that much. This all has to do with Joel Tauber's Syc-amor project. You can check out USC professor Joel Tauber at his website at
He's a little crazy just to warn you. But basically he saved a tree in the Rose Bowl parking lot and created tree babies from it's seeds and sold the tree babies and placed them all over the world. The whole project is about the plight of urban trees and yes, the upper class environmental artsy type totally eats this stuff up. Anyway about a year and a half ago he asked students to create tree guardian sculptures to create a ring around the tree baby planted at USC. I created one, but since I was so busy my senior year, I kind of half-assed it and was a little ashamed of it, considering it's a piece of mine that will supposedly be displayed for like 30 years. Fortunately I was not the only artist that half assed it, most the sculptures surrounding the tree were not great. Still I wanted to create an art piece that was portfolio worthy and that would stand out, so I created a new one. The concept is still the same. It is about rebirth, a tree growing out of skull. This time I wanted to add some color and detail. I though it came out pretty good. The skull is kind of cartoon but I'm ok with that.

This is my old tree guardian and the site, it's amazing how much the tree grew in a year. There's also two in process shots of the new one.


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