April and May Movie Reviews

Avengers: Infinity War 4 ½ stars
The sheer scale of this movie is mind-blowing. The fact that they were able to take so many characters, from totally different stories and worlds, and were able to interweave them into a one film and hit all the necessary plot points and action sequences, is amazing. If you’re Marvel movie fan, this movie really pays off with great depictions of all your favorite characters. Dr. Strange, Spiderman and the guardians were standouts for me. It’s clear the Russo brothers really understand the different characters and how to best use them.
My only criticism is that the film doesn’t have the same emotional resolve as Captain America: Civil War. And I think Thanos wasn’t as frightening or evil as previous films and the previews had portrayed him. I didn’t mind the performance but it was different than what I was expecting. A lot of how this film will be perceived depends on how Avengers 4 wraps up; but it leaves me with even more anticipation for the next one.

Deadpool 2 4½ stars
The most I’ve laughed in a theater in a long time. My body literally hurt by the end of the movie from laughing so hard. I found this movie hilarious: the gags, the jokes, the references, all worked for me. As far as the story goes, Ryan Reynolds completely holds this movie together and it has a few serious moments that are quite satisfying. The weakest part of the movie is probably the kid (which is a shame because he’s great in Hunt for the Wilder People) I’m not sure if the kid wasn’t likable enough but that plot line seemed a little contrived. But everything else worked for me. And X-Force. The X-Force sequence is one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen. Enjoy! 

Rampage 1½ stars
Will a movie based on a video game ever be good? Rampage looked promising in a low expectations popcorn flick kind of way. Likable action star, big monsters, some good smashing. But no, this is a bad movie. The whole film seemed lazy, like the writers just gave up on logic and filling in giant plotholes. It’s a shame because the relationship between the Rock and George the albino gorilla is pretty great. Way more engaging than any of the human interactions in the movie. It seemed like the writers had a simple task: they need to get all the monster animals to “rampage” in a city in the big third act finish. Godzilla (2014) had an identical task and while it’s a little contrived, they at least followed through and constructed a story where the situation led the monsters to their big fight in the city. In “Rampage,” one of the characters mentions something about a beacon and that’s it. Also it had the laziest “Easter Egg” I’ve seen in a recent movie. The producers just stuck a full size “Rampage” game console in the office of the CEO siblings. It didn’t fit the scenery and made no sense why it would be there. Also does the “Rampage” video game exist in this universe? Did the evil CEO twins base their billion dollar science experiments on a 80’s arcade game? Lazy, lazy writing.

Pacific Rim Uprising 2½ stars
Fine action sci-fi movie that has some good effects and action but not much else. Some of the acting and dialogue was subpar and a few of the plot points are repeated several times so that kids and foreign audiences can easily follow along. But the robot designs were solid (they learned the lesson from transformers and made them all look different) and it had a few fun plot twists and it wasn’t overly long. Definitely not as good as the first, but if you want to see some giant robots and monsters fight, it hits the spot.

Tully 3½ stars
A clever dramady with a great performance by Charlize Theron and provides some poignant commentary on modern motherhood. High recommend if you hand/planning to have kids.

Disobedience 2½ stars
I mean it’s good in that Oscar-baity kind of way. The Rachels are both on point and it provides a look into the world of orthodox Judaism, but I found it too slow for me.

I Feel Pretty 3 stars
Cute and silly rom-com with a positive message. If you like a toned down PG-13 Amy Schumer, this movie is very enjoyable.


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